The town of Arlington is the seventh municipality in Shelby County, Tennessee. It lies within the borders of Shelby County and has a population of 14,549 in 2020. From 2010 until 2020, its population grew by 26.326%.
Arlington is no stranger to the challenges of harsh weather conditions, and we work hard to manage them. Miller Roofing and Renovations is a premier provider of roofing solutions for homeowners in the greater Arlinton, Tennessee area. We provide our customers with a wide range of professional services, including roof maintenance, restoration, and installation.
At Miller Roofing and Renovations we believe that our customers deserve more than just good service from us; they also deserve the peace of mind when it comes to their homes' roofs. That's why we offer such competitive prices on all of our services so that every homeowner can enjoy peace of mind knowing that their home is safe from Mother Nature's worst storms!